Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ice, Ice, Baby

I simply couldn't resist going out last night after I heard that Rome has a bar made entirely of Ice just outside of Cavour station! We got back from the Trevi Fountain and headed to PastaritO for a quick dinner so we could make it down to the metro before it closed (It doesn't make sense to me that the metro closes so early especially when Italian nightlife doesn't even get started until 1:00 am!)

Dinner was traditional and fabulous. I had an Alla Vodka with bits of spicy ham steak. It was incredible! I tried the other girls dishes and for once - I made the best choice! I licked the plate clean without a noodle to spare. Little did I know that I would end up running in the metro station to catch the last train of the night... It didn't slow me down too much - we just made it!

We got off the metro at Cavour again and found the bar. The entire bar was frozen to -5 degrees celsius and EVERYTHING was made of sculpted ice. We had to put on these really futuristic cape thingys that went over our jackets to keep us warm inside. Even the drinks were served in ice molded glasses - I probably should've worn gloves...brrrr! It was very laid back and just a fun thing to experience. We obviously didn't stay late because even though we were bundled up the cold still sinks in after awhile. This was certainly an interesting experience for me - who knew?!

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