Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leaving the US

Today I start my Italian journey!... arrived at the airport shortly after 3:00 to have plenty of time to go through security before meeting up with the group at the Lufthansa International gate. After a LONG wait in the terminal - we finally boarded the plane. We left much later than we were suppose to but actually ended up in Frankfurt just a little bit ago - right on time!

Lufthansa - if you're ever looking for free PR - here ya go! The flight was AWESOME! I'll admit I was extremely nervous having a red eye across the Atlantic for my first time ever leaving the country, but the crew at Lufthansa along with all of the amazing free services made the flight amazing. Our seats had individual TV screens and I could pick from about 10 movies to watch, read history about various destinations they fly to (including Rome), listen to music, and gps my flight! We could see a little plane and a red line of the path we took up along the American continent and then down through Ireland and England into Frankfurt. We had free pillows, blankets, ear phones, 2 delicious meals... beef with a pilaf and then fresh fruit (kiwi, watermelon, blueberrys, strawberries) for breakfast. My favorite part - Wine was FREE!! I had two glasses so that I would be nice and tired - BUT of course I barly slept...


I'll be writing again after we arrive in Roma!!

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