Monday, January 24, 2011

Torturous Volterra

Today was our main exploration day in Volterra - it certainly didn't disappoint. Last night we stayed up all night planning our day so we could see as much as possible while walking around. Some of the information we came across was...interesting? First thing we learned is that the palace we were hoping to visit is not open for tours. Of course that was pretty disappointing but then we learned that the reason it isn't open to tours is because the palace has been converted to a maximum security prison (YIIKES). Always good to know. It gets better - the maximum security prison also participates in experimental imprisonment where most of the prisoners are permitted to do work stay. However, the prisoners are most popular for performing in a dinner theatre group where they serve tables and perform on stage for 100+ crowds on Friday nights (scary)! One of their special drinks is a blood cocktail - not sure if that's a joke related to Twilight or the prisoners past experiences but either way it's kind of creepy...I've never felt intimidated or in danger here whatsoever, perhaps this method is working? Either way, I still don't think we'll be attending one of their performances - just in case!

We all opt'd to miss out on that fun and look into the Torture Museum (to go along with the creepy/scary theme) once we got into the city. Fausto (our fabulous bus driver whose family owns the only transportation services in Volterra) happily pointed us in the right direction down via Gramacia. The museum of torture was originally located in Florence before being moved to Volterra and it was certainly a wake-up to how brutal the inquisition was as well as how bad the women were oppressed in historic Europe. At the entrance we were greeted with a giant chair filled with spikes and bondage that was used for acquisition - pretty intense! Inside the museum were twisted devices used to keep women quiet, punish bad children, execute the guilty, and question suspects. I left the museum with a loss of appetite - but ironically we all headed into one of the first restaurants we saw for lunch.

I am either really terrified or a great actress

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