Monday, January 10, 2011


My time in Napoli was plentiful in the food department, however I have no desire to go back and don't necessarily recommend it otherwise. Naples and I got off on a bad foot. We had such a long layover (train not departing until 9pm when we got back from Pompei at 5) that we wanted to try and explore the area. I'm sure Naples is a lovely place - however the area we saw was not so lovely.

For the past 4 years Naples has experienced various trash strikes from the city workers - leading to HUGE piles of trash all over the streets. The best way I could explain would be to image New York city without trash service for even one week.

On a more positive note: the food was phenomenal! My trip to Napoli included a spicy salami and provolone sandwich, a variety of pasta dishes our group split at a small "hole in the wall" place, a slice of THE BEST pizza I've EVER had (very basic with fresh mozzarella and basil), and a canoli with the sides dipped in pistachio (YUMMMM) from a small bakery.

We didn't get back to Rome until 12:00 am... zzzzzzzz


  1. we heard about the trash issue the day you left saying this was a bad time to go to naples
    but at least that is not yur home base. your blog is great jess we almost can taste that food and picture where you have been. keep it up!

  2. Thanks Michele! I couldn't believe all the trash but I'm so glad that there was an explanation for it... If we weren't told about the trash strike I would've assumed that things were always that bad. Yikes!

    I'm glad you're enjoying! :)
