Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vatican City Museums

Our study abroad group visited another country...yup, Vatican City. Our visit was to the Vatican museums to see the variety of collections that are hosted there. It is virtually impossible for me to either a.recollect in my memory all of the things I saw and b.have seen more than about 30% of all the museums work. The Vatican Museum is the third largest in the world and our tour guide explained that it would take about 24 hours a day for 2 weeks to see the entire collection.

My favorite part of the museum was the Sistine Chapel - our tour guide did a fabulous job at explaining all of the pieces of art before we went in. I wasn't able to take pictures inside, but a couple of people from our group managed to sneak a few so if I can get ahold of them I will post them for you. Michele Angelo's work was absolutely phenomenal and without seeing the piece you can hardly appreciate it. Imagine a man standing on a ladder back arched and neck back painting the entire chapel in only 4 years with each image blown up far greater than life sized.

I also enjoyed Raffaello's room - particularly "La scuola di Atene" or School of Athens. It was so interesting to find famous philosophers all bearing symbolic images and also including a portrait of Michele Angelo's face as one of the philosophers and Raffaello's self-portrait in the corner.

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