Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Eats - "Cin, Cin!"

WOW! Tonight was a great opportunity for all of us to be together and become a little more adventurous in the food department. We went to a small Italian restaurant called "Gli Angeletti" located just behind the Palatino hotel in Cavour (where we will be staying our final night in Rome at the end of the month). The restaurant was recommended to us by Professor Arena from UD, who does an Italian study abroad every year and has become a frequent diner there. We were so suprised when we saw the exterior of the restaurant - by some CRAZY coincidence, a few of the girls and I had eaten there on Saturday for a quick bite! It gets even better - there was a University of Delaware banner hanging in the restaurant the entire time and we never noticed prior.

The owner greeted us asking if we had the reservation under "Michael Jordan" (our professor is Jeff Jordan), and sat us down with liters of red and white vino immedietly and an appetizer sampler plater at each table - all free! Professor Arena must be well loved there. Most of the items on the sampler were good including a tuna wrapped in zucchini, smoked mozzarella balls, and fresh brushetta. Other items however, didn't tickle my fancy. My roommates tried sardine with mozzarella and even though they regretted doing so quickly after, it was still great that they were willing to try it.

I then found myself sharing a spinach, zucchini, pear, and fresh parmesan salad with olive oil (I have to recreate this at home somehow because it was phenomenal) and the BEST caprese salad EVER (yes really, in all of time. Others agreed with me if that helps you put the awesomeness into better perspective).

THEN, my dinner came - pasta in a thin creame sauce with shrimp, zuchinni, spice, and tomato. It wasn't my favorite because the shrimp  tasted a little too fishy for my personal taste - but it was still very good and I'm glad I tried it. I also shared with my table and sampled other dishes. The assortment of foods along with continuous glasses of wine that "runneth over" made for an amazing dinner. Let's not forget the best tiramisu ever to top off dessert :)

By the way: in case you're wondering... "cin, cin" means "cheers!"

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