Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Spanish Steps Pub Crawl

The Spanish Steps Pub Crawl is a notorious tourist activity which most of Rome's tourist student population participate in while abroad. University of Delaware students before us have all recommended this nightlife activity and we of course found ourselves excited to participate in it. The crawl started at 8:45, which is about 6 hours too early for any other night-life to begin in Rome so it was interesting taking the metro to the Spanish Steps when most Romans were just heading out to dinner and we were all dressed up.

When we got to the steps the guide had no problem spotting us out and walked us down to the first pub. As soon as we arrived at the pub, we were welcomed with many other English speaking students our age. This was def. not a local Italian tradition, but still a great experience. The alcohol selection seemed to be mostly Irish and Australian beers and then a traditional alcohol stock. We made friends with an Australian girl named Amye right from the start and it was interesting seeing her perspective of the United States. The bar also featured casual beer pong, which Italians know absolutely nothing about but the Australians seemed to love. It was a very relaxed environment before we went to the next pub.

The entire pub crawl did not in fact "crawl" to the next pub...we took the metrobus. We were waiting for a very long time for the bus to get there so there was plenty of time to make friends. We ended up meeting groups of tourists who spoke French, which was my opportunity to utilize my 6 years of studying the language. I was pretty excited about how quickly it came back to me after I lost touch with the language the past 3 years... After the metrobus arrived at the next pub, Meredith and I decided not to stay very long because we had to be up very early to leave for Pompeii. It was still early and we wanted to catch the metro before it closed up. We might have stopped for another gelato on the way back... hehe. The next bar was certainly more exciting than the last, but we decided to head back. I ended up speaking French once more to others on the metro on the way home...I knew it would be good for something someday :)

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