Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catacombs of Saint Callixtus

We met with the group around noon to take our adventure just outside the city of Rome... We took the metro and then transferred to a bus to visit the Catacombs. When you first arrive there it's pretty hard to believe that you're walking over top of 4 stories of miles and miles of the underground tombs. Over half a million bodies were stored there and then each one was individually removed once the invasions started - that is really hard for me to grasp just because of the lack of technology back then. Since Rome was majority pagan at the time, the Christians would draw symbols of anchors (discretely a cross) and fish (representing Jesus). FISH was actually the first known acronym in the entire world... woah!

After the catacombs tour ended we tried to find the church where Peter had his vision while fleeing but we were unsuccessful. To get there we had to cross this insanely small and trafficy street - we probably would've died. ...trying to find the church peters vision was at but couldn't because they have such crazy streets... wish that americans could drive like Romans do... it's always how i wanted to drive - completely insane and with no traffic rules at all.

Tonight is the Spanish Steps Pub Crawl... a study abroad tradition for student tourists. Heading in early though - have to be up early for Pompeii!

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